Fine Art Painter

www.EdnaPines.com  //  EdnaPinesGallery@gmail.com  //   858-945-0623  



2021 Represented in Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, CA

Represented in Michael Seewald Gallery in La Jolla, CA

“The Second Half” Las Laguna Art Gallery juried show. Laguna Beach, CA.

Art in the Garden. Pop Up Exhibition. Estancia La Jolla Hotel and Spa. La Jolla, CA.

Solo Exhibition. Balanced Fitness and Health. La Jolla, CA

2019 “Floating Garden. Private Home Exhibition, La Jolla, CA. 

2018 “3rd Time’s A Charm” Ashton Gallery juried show. San Diego, CA

“C-NOTE” Ashton Gallery group exhibition: San Diego, CA

2017 “Papared.” Ashton Gallery juried show. San Diego, CA

2016     Group Exhibition. Ashton Gallery juried show. San Diego, CA

 “C-NOTE”. Ashton Gallery group exhibition. San Diego, CA

2015 Art-N-Soul group exhibition. Encinitas, CA.

2012 Granada TreeHouse- pop up Art show. San Diego, CA.

Bibliography / Press  

2021 Shout out SoCal online magazine feature.  

2021    Represented in Michael Seewald Gallery in La Jolla, CA

Represented in Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, CA


2021 Live painting demo at Adelman Fine Art Gallery in San Diego, CA

Taught an online class via Zoom for Friendship Circle

Education + Professional Development

AA in Banking and Finance. Grossmont College. 


Nasrin Kheiri- multimedia art classes


Mixed media with Roberta Dyers

Color Harmony with Denise Cerro

Jennifer Cheng- procreate illustrations

Nasrin Kheiri- multimedia art classes


Mixed media with Denise Cerro

Abstract painting with  Liz Jardine

Introduction to Abstract with Kate Ashton

Jennifer Cheng- procreate illustrations


Abstract painting- Liz Jardine

Intermediate Acrylic with Kate Ashton

TA for Ilanit Shalev- project design at Chabad of La Jolla Temple


Acrylic painting with Kate Ashton

Ilanit Shalev- Glass fusing


Watts Atelier- figure drawing

Ilanit Shalev- Glass fusing

Professional Affiliations

Member of Athenaeum Music & Arts Library

Member of Artist Alliance at Oceanside Museum of Art

Member of San Diego Museum of Art

Member of Vincent Van Gogh Museum of Amsterdam

Member of Hadassah organization for women’s empowerment 

Temple: Congregation Beth Israel, Congregation  Beth El, Chabad of La Jolla

Award Winning International Classical Pianist

Graduate GIA Gemologist in Diamond Appraisal with award